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Belladonna Tealeaf

Halfling Ranger

Belladonna Tealeaf
Image by Darren Nunis

Gold Ring

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A delicate gold band engraved with "gardsvair".

Image by Darren Nunis

Leather-bound Tome

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This book is bound in human skin. The pages contain the names of women and locks of their hair with a strange symbolic key next to the names.

Image by Darren Nunis

The Collar of the Unforgiving Master

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This metal collar clamps around the wearer's neck and acts as the source of a geas. If the wearer is in danger of breaking the geas, spikes dig into their neck. The more they attempt to go against the geas, the more the spikes dig in, eventually lacerating the major arteries and causing death. *More information to come*

Image by Darren Nunis

Belladonna's Quiver

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This beautifully worked leather quiver holds all of Belladonna's arrows, especially the special ones from the ranger's guild that help do extra damage to enemies she has fought.

Image by Darren Nunis

Oath Sworn On The Heart Of The Forest

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He asks them to swear on the Dumbraava, the heart of the forest, that they will not tell anyone what he says. Galia whispers to the group that local legend is taht if you break an oath on the heart of the forest, the fey will kill you in a horrible manner. Galia then swears, and Adalia follows her lead. Belladonna begins to walk out. Carindrina asks him to swear on the heart of the forest that the promise they make won't harm the people in this village. James agrees. Carindrina, Furus, Venus, and Midna all agree to swear. Galia goes to Belladonna, and begs her to help. Furus tries to help, telling her that if the fey come to kill her, it is her chance to stab their eyes out. Adalia shakes her head and says, if we don't break the oath, there isn't a problem. And the unlikliest of friends, Galia is the one who finally gets through to her, telling her that she can tell that Belladonna is an honest and noble person who would never break and oath she takes, if she doesn't feel comfortable ytaking the oath, the group will try to guide her towards decisions that will help the community. Galia explains that she made a promise not to force people to do things, so she is asking as someone who cares very much for the people of this town, if she would please help them. Belladonna agrees to come back and makes the oath.

James thanks them for taking the oath, and explains that his father had wanted him to marry the daughter of another noble family, The Tanglewoods. Her family follows Liguaquide and his family follows Shinze, which is how his family has operated for centuries, and now he knows thanks to information from Carindrina, that it is actually important for his family to be set up with that worship. However he doesn't love her, he loves someone else. He is worried that now that he knows this, he should end his relationship so that he doesn't inflict the curse on the town. His father hadn't made a decision when he died, they were going to talk about it in the morning, but in the morning he was dead.

Carindrina says she understands the need for secrecy. Adalia asks how involved Blitherby was involved. James explains that Blitherby is instrumental in organizing meetings between the families, as Tricreche is run as a council of the families and not a king, but Balvonier is the capital so Blitherby does organize many of the meetings. Adalia tells him they found a letter from Blitherby to Elaine Tanglewoos sayings "This was not in our agreement. Where did you put it?". James says he doesn't know why she would need aletter from Blitherby since her parents run the town, unless she was beginning to take over. They didn't have any agreements other than their engagement, which while it has been in motion for several years, wasn't officially announced.He asks when Blitherby mailed the letter. Adalia tells him that they knew the sword was missing. but initially he didn't tell Blitherby, he only told him just before he met the group. He has only seen Elaine a few times, but he didn't feel anything for her.

Furus asks him to clarify why it weighs so heavily on him. James said it wasn't weighing so heavily on him until his father died, and now he feels that he needs to follow through with his Father's final wishes, and now that he knows the religions and the promises are so important and tied to the curse. They also need to keep agreements with the other towns on the Roueda or the roads can be dangerous and peopel can go missing. Carindrina asks if he has made a promise to the Tanglewoods or the girl he loves. He says he has to the girl he loves. Cardrina says she understands that, but thinks he needs to honor his promise. He is unsure because if his father made the deal for him, he needs to honor it, and he knows that if he asked his love she would let him go for the safety of the town. Carindrina says she thinks honor comes from within. He asks if they will go talk to the Tanglewoods and ask them to release him from the engagement.

Image by Darren Nunis

Traveler's Anytool

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Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Weight 2 lbs.; Slot none; Price 250 gp


This implement at first seems to be nothing but a 12-inch iron bar lined with small plates and spikes. It can be folded, twisted, hinged, and bent, to form almost any known tool. Hammers, shovels, even a block and tackle (without rope) are possible. It can duplicate any tool the wielder can clearly visualize that contains only limited moving parts, such as a pair of scissors, but not a handloom. It cannot be used to replace missing or broken parts of machines or vehicles unless a mundane tool would have done the job just as well.

The any-tool counts as a set of masterwork artisan’s tools for most Craft or Profession skills (although very specialist crafts such as alchemy still require their own unique toolset). It is an ineffective weapon, always counting as an improvised weapon and never granting any masterwork bonus on attack rolls.

Image by Darren Nunis

Robe of the Master of Masters

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Image by Darren Nunis

The Abbot's Cage

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There is an iron cage in the attic of the Abbot's home. When Venus touched it, there was a large shockwave of good holy power that exploded out and pulsed from the cage.

Investigating the cage carefully, they determined each bar was carved with blessings from all of the old gods. This was something all of the temples had come together to contain a great evil. There was no clear way in or out, so there must have been a key, but they did not find one searching the house.

Talking with Sundrop, the house Brownie did nothing to illuminate why they had a giant cage, what they planned on trapping, or how to open it.

Image by Darren Nunis

The Abbot's Note

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A young girl went missing after the Grimmur festival, we helped the guards search but found no traces, even when using Khan and Bjorn.

The Feyblossom Chapter has decided to position us here to help the search.

Leads have been fruitless

Merchant Maurice--Thornyside

Melinda and Kerwyn


Greenblades: Maude and Jon

Waylan Fredericks

Maeve Redwood-Spindledown

Legend of a sword that could kill vampires--perhaps this is why the children haven’t been seen?

Strange darkness in the forests.

Scath mountain

Image by Darren Nunis

Magical Book

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A small notebook left for Belladonna by the fey in her desk at IronKey House. There are instructions to write the names, descriptions, or anything she remembers about her captors, and the fey will see it.

Image by Darren Nunis

Mysterious Letter

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We know the generalities of your struggles. We hope to show you that, like humans, Fey can be both good and bad. We do not condone the actions of our counterparts on Scath Mountain, and, if we had the strength, would move to eliminate them fully. We have enough power to hunt down your captors. We can manage their rehabilitation to a proper source of magic for the true Fey, or we can give them to you. Either way, we expect that their essence will be recycled into a more useful and less toxic form to feed the forest. To arrange this, there is a small notebook in the left hand drawer of your desk. Write their names, descriptions, or anything you remember, and we will see it.

Image by Darren Nunis

Arrow Making Supplies

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In her room in Iron Key House, there is equipment for making arrows. She has the capacity to make 2 new arrows each night she spends in Iron Key House.

Is there magic in the arrows? She will have to make one to find out.

Image by Darren Nunis

Silver Bell

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The Queen of the Wyrmwood Court gave the group a small silver bell with intricate, delicate filigree. There were explicit instructions: If they ring the bell once, the fey will know they found the children, ring is three times the fey will come to their aid, but if they ring it twice, they can’t predict the outcome. The rings are all different frequencies, and that one doesn’t always call creatures with good intentions. Belladonna currently has the bell.

Image by Darren Nunis

Iron Keys

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The Queen of the Wyrmwood Court gave the group a small iron key, carefully wrapped in a sheepskin. When they touched the key, they became marked and had agreed to the Faerie Bargain to find the missing children. The key was merely a device to deliver an arcane mark that allows them to activate the door at Iron Key House. Adalia, Belladonna, Venus, Carindrina, and Nira all took keys.

Image by Darren Nunis

The Abbot's Cage

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There is an iron cage in the attic of the Abbot's home. When Venus touched it, there was a large shockwave of good holy power that exploded out and pulsed from the cage.

Investigating the cage carefully, they determined each bar was carved with blessings from all of the old gods. This was something all of the temples had come together to contain a great evil. There was no clear way in or out, so there must have been a key, but they did not find one searching the house.

Talking with Sundrop, the house Brownie did nothing to illuminate why they had a giant cage, what they planned on trapping, or how to open it.

Image by Darren Nunis

The Abbot's Notebook

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A young girl went missing after the Grimmur festival, we helped the guards search but found no traces, even when using Khan and Bjorn.

The Feyblossom Chapter has decided to position us here to help the search.

Leads have been fruitless

Merchant Maurice--Thornyside

Melinda and Kerwyn


Greenblades: Maude and Jon

Waylan Fredericks

Maeve Redwood-Spindledown

Legend of a sword that could kill vampires--perhaps this is why the children haven’t been seen?

Strange darkness in the forests.

Scath mountain

Image by Darren Nunis

Hidden Temple Papers

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Need to recruit more members. Reach out to surrounding towns: Thornyside, Spindledown, Weatherby.

May the Light Find the Darkness​​


How best to support the order? New shipment coming soon.

May the Light Find the Darkness​​


Member recruitment: Festival activities? Please send ideas

May the Light Find the Darkness​​


Must collect more to prepare for new services.

May the Light Find the Darkness


World Design and Lore by Kitty Goldsby

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