Helpful links will be added over time.
I do borrow names and plot points from many popular references! If you see one you recognize give a shout out! I read a lot of fantasy, so most will be pulled from books, however I may pull from TV/Movies as well.
Character pictures are made here: http://www.rinmarugames.com/playgame.php?game_link=mega-fantasy-avatar-creator&fbclid=IwAR1FtIst_jCNB_qoLgP4dioKv5vqclYBmCLBK6jyP9ONn-ug2X42LZ6UQMA
House Banners and Religious Banners: http://www.jointherealm.com/sigil.mobile.html
We play Pathfinder rules, to purchase these books, go to Paizo: https://paizo.com/store
For quick references, I use: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/ and https://aonprd.com/Default.aspx
For character builds www.rpgbot.net/pathfinder is a great resource, as are the guides here: https://zenithgames.blogspot.com/2012/11/the-comprehensive-pathfinder-guides.html
I use the Discord bots Craig and Dash-Delta.
I really enjoy watching Critical Role from Geek and Sundry. You should check them out!