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I used this list and then also made my own adjustments and additions:

The drugs listed below are just a selection of what you may encounter in the world. As you explore, this list may be updated.




  1. Agony: The distilled essence of pain. Mainly used by torturers as a social lubricant, but masochists will sometimes also seek it out. When the thick, reddish-brown liquid is ingested (via mouth), the user is hit by intense pain, making them unable to move for 2 rounds, having disadvantage on all ability checks for 1d6+1 minutes. During this time, target will likely give up any info. After the pain, user feels intense pleasure for 1d4 hours, although this is less an effect of Agony and more of them appreciating their lack of pain.

  2. Angel’s Trumpet: A plant with immeasurable potency. When the plant is burned and inhaled, you see dead relatives, friends, or others that died nearby and converse with them casually without being phased by their presence. This effect lingers within the body and goes in and out of dormancy every 1d12 hours and lasts 1d6 hours. For potency roll 1d10 for the amount of instances. Roll 1d12 after each instance to determine when it returns.

  3. Devil’s Root: A black root that is ground up and snorted. The user blacks out and sees visions of hell. Sometimes, these visions allow the user to see into the future.

  4. Devil’s Tongue: while high: everything seems so surreal, your body feels numb in a good way, and everything sounds far away. Things outside of ((1D4+2)*10) ft. are a blur of colors and shapes. — Effects are like true sight, but they allow the user to see (into / alongside) other worlds, mainly hellish landscapes mangled into ours. — Either a negative effect or disadvantage on dex checks and hearing based perception checks. Advantage on sight based perception, investigation, and insight checks.

  5. Dragon’s Dandruff: A flaky amber salt traditionally used as seasoning by lizard-folk, with it’s signature ‘chilli-high’ making any party memorable. This magical mineral is intensely spicy, with one unnamed individual unused to the taste describing it as akin to chewing on a hot coal. After the initial sizzle (1d2 radiant damage) a teaspoon of the salt gives the consumer a rushing sensation of joy, increasing Charisma by 1 for an hour. After the salt metabolizes, the soul feels overcome by adrenaline, increasing Strength, Stamina, and Dexterity by 2 for an hour, and they are compelled to do physical tasks. Afterwards, they suffer 1 level of exhaustion. All of these effects do no stack. Undead characters take 1d6 radiant damage for every teaspoon consumed.

  6. Dream Flake: Thin slivers of a dried, black fungus. When place between cheek and gum, it induces hallucinations and euphoria. When smoked, the user enters an extremely vivid waking dream, which can last for hours. Extended use blackens the teeth and make ‘bad trips’ more common. Addictive.

  7. Dwarven fury: When smoked by a dwarf, this sour smelling underground moss renders the dwarf immune to gaining exhaustion for the 2d4 hours, after which they must make a DC 8+(number of hours)+(levels of exhaustion) Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they gain all levels of exhaustion they would have taken during the period. If a non-dwarf attempts to use it, they must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw to gain the effects. Otherwise, they are poisoned for the duration instead

  8. Ember Berries: These faintly glowing black berries are used in coming-of-age rituals in a certain druidic sect. Drink a tea made from these, and you will become relaxed and calm. After a few minutes, flames begin cloaking your body – as long as you remain focused and calm, they cannot hurt you.

  9. Espiritu: a drug derived from a certain flower commonly used in holy rituals. When blessed, left to wither for at least three days, and then dehydrated completely and turned into a powder becomes a strange blessing all it’s own. If smoked or snorted, this powder grants a single question answered by a Divine being. It also grants a strong feeling of peace and euphoria, as well as a strong sense of hunger.

  10. Faerie Dust/ Pixie Sticks: A very fine, iridescent powder, which is kept in a wax, sealed bottle, it is consumed by unsealing the bottle and very gently wafting the contents towards the nose with a DC 10 dexterity check, with failure resulting in an overdose. When correctly dosed, instills a gentle euphoria as senses sharpen and surroundings appear more vibrant, providing advantage on investigation and perception checks for one minute. When overdosed, the user experiences sensory overload, becoming confused for one minute. Faerie Dust, despite the generic name, is actually the collected breath of a faerie dragon. They find it hilarious that mortals can get high off their breath, and will happily provide the breath attack itself with only gentle coaxing. Some faerie dragons make their home in drug dens, exchanging their breath for a luxurious lifestyle and the opportunity to ply their pranks upon the many citizens of a mortal city. Some particularly daring patrons will pay handsomely for a high ‘straight from the source’, taking the breath attack of the faerie dragonhead on and inhaling deeply. The high provided is incredibly intense, and as a result such services are usually only offered with the recipient strapped down on a specially constructed bench.

  11. Forget Me Nots: These flowers grow in the wild, yellow in color. They can commonly be found in bright sunny climates. When consumed they apply a temporary new life. When consumed you believe you have a different life. If a lone wolf Assassin ate one he could very well believe he is a humble lumberjack with a small family in the countryside, at least for a couple of hours (1D4 hours)

  12. Funpowder: A magic/alchemic powder made by reclusive druids, funpowder changes the user’s biologic gender for 1 hour for every ounce consumed. Usually consumed while diluted in water and/or in combination with a spiked drink.

  13. Kana Dust: a powder blended from a medical herb and crystalline magic. Gives mages a power boost for their spells. However, side effects increase risk of magic going wild. Reroll 1s on magic damage. Also roll 2d20. Of either are a 1-2 roll on wild magic.

  14. Patch: It works similarly to ecstasy, expanding yourself to feel the sensations all around you. It grants the ability to speak with plants and animals for 1d4+1 hours, and the comedown has a DC15 CON save. Failing the save adds one point of exhaustion immediately after waking from the first long rest you take, and lasts until completing the next long rest.

  15. Redthyme: Also known as hate in a bottle or bone-hurting juice. A thoroughly nasty little potion brewed from a strange red weed, the eyes of a cat, thyme, willow sap, drippings from a cow’s liver, and the moss from a human skull. A shot’s worth of this will drove anyone into a psychotic, agonizing fugue where they will attack anyone they see. Survivors have described the experience as ‘pure hell’. The taste is mild but unpleasant, like blood and lemon juice mixed together, but the flavor is easily masked with alcohol. Useful in assassinations, murders, and general evil.

  16. Reverie Sticks: Thin, hollow sticks similar to those used for incense. When burned, the smoke causes non-hostile creatures to enter a relaxed, dreamlike state. Reverie sticks can also be snapped in half under one’s nose; a sharp inhale of its contents delivers a powerful rush of euphoria. The user has advantage on checks to resist fear and disadvantage on checks to resist being charmed for 1d4 hours.

  17. Sannish: A blue liquid distilled from the milk of wolves and a powdered desert plant. Causes euphoria and gives advantage on constitution saving throws. Very cheap, but also quite addictive. After three uses, your lips seem to be stained blue and cannot be washed off without magic like prestidigitation.

  18. Scurva: a vial filled with an irridesant liquid. When drunk it causes it user to see colors more vibrantly and lights to shimmer and become more liquid like. Also makes its user completely intoxicated.

  19. Shatter: A waxy, pale amber substance that can be smoked or consumed in a tincture. In lower doses it produces a pleasant high, but in higher doses (and for particularly sensitive individuals) it can cause a person to literally split in into multiple versions of themselves. If a PC consumes shatter and fails a saving throw, they are split into several nearly indistinguishable copies of themselves. A roll of 2 + 1d6 gives the number of shards. Okay, now for the catch: the character’s stats must be distributed among the shards with no duplication, so the sum of the shards’ abilities is the same as the original character. Additionally, all of the shards have an aspect or condition representing their intoxicated state. After a period of time at GM’s discretion, the shards will coalesce and merge again into the original character.

  20. Starr Dust: This substance comes from the dust off of the wings of a particular moth (Starr Moth). When snorted, effects include: darkvision, insomnia, compulsion to follow or stare at light (disadvantage on all checks made against an opponent who is holding a torch or near a bright light source), and a feeling of weightlessness.

  21. Stardust: This dust is harvested by aliens and eldritch space horrors from dead stars and from the wake of meteors. It is generally consumed by mixing it with water or some other beverage, and it tastes sweeter than sugar. Other than mild dependency, users have a tendency to gradually turn into eldritch horrors with long-term exposition to the drug. Addiction 1, 50%, planar.

  22. Styxroot: A root that grows on the margins of the river Styx in the Seven Hells. Eating it raw or making tea out of it makes the individual unable to remember anything that happens to them for the next 8 hours. A constitution saving throw of 12 lowers it to 6 hours, 15 to 4 hours, 18 to 1 hour, or 20 to completely ignore the effect.

  23. Terran Brandy: A brandy made out of the essence of dying fey. Gives +2 intelligence and restores 6 spell slots worth of slots (so either 6 1st levels, 1 6th level, etc.). May or may not invoke the wrath of an archfey. Only used by the most rich and powerful (and evil) archmages

  24. The Flayed Mind: A drink containing some of the Mind Flayer’s mind-numbing powers. Makes the user dumb and slow, much like weed however much stronger. Any mental saving throws made while under its effect automatically fail, making this the preferred tool of enslavers everywhere. Once the effect wears off the user may make a DC20 int save to remember what happened while under the Flayed Mind’s effects. This saving throw can only be made once. Addiction 1, psionic

  25. Wandercaps: When you ingest these plain gray mushrooms, you fall into a deep trance. You experience vivid hallucinations, often nonsensical, but sometimes hinting about the events in the near future. The comedown is unpleasant.

  26. Water Weedlings: These aquatic plants are a shimmering green-blue and even when pulled from the water, wave back and forth as if they are in the currents. Used for water shamans in holy ceremonies. After ingestion, water rises around you and you float in a column of swirling water. Maintain calm and focus with a DC 15 concentration check and the water won’t hurt you. If that is successful, a DC 18 perception check may give a vision of the future if you have a good relationship with water. If the initial check is failed, make a DC 15 constitution saving throw to prevent 1d4 drowning damage.

  27. Zooterran: Made from refined Exem plums. Alters one’s sense of direction and causes one to only turn right when faced with a left/right choice.

World Design and Lore by Kitty Goldsby

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