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Ceidweid De Bosque

The Ranger's Guild

The Rangers Guild is called The Ceidweid De Bosque. Rangers can be called Bosquers or Ceids colloquially. To greet a fellow ranger, you say, “How do the trees fare?” They say “They stand strong.”. Rangers frequently have a sprig from their chapter’s tree pinned somewhere on their person or tucked in their hair. 


To become a ranger you must have a mentor. This mentor vouches for you and you become a “junior” ranger until you have proven yourself worthy of full membership. Usually this is by completing an assignment given to you by your mentor and/or the local guild. 


You do not need to join the guild of your mentor. You may join whatever guild fits best with your personality after you are an official ranger. The guilds all have a home keep, but members of any chapter are welcome at each keep. Rangers tend to be on the move a lot, so it is not uncommon to see rangers of different chapters quite far from their "home". While there are not a lot of official gatherings, if there is the need for one, your chapter would send for you to come to their keep. It is rumored that there is a secret network connecting the keeps, but you must be a higher level to access the network.


There are ways where non-rangers may be given some privileges if they prove to be an asset to the Ceidweid de Bosque. This is unusual, but not unheard of.


The Different Guilds By Region


  • Cara Blanca

    • Cedar: cleansing, protection, prosperity & healing

    • Birch: truth, new beginnings and cleansing of the past

  • Quima Brin

    • Ash: peace of mind, sacrifice, sensitivity and higher awareness

    • Elm: wisdom, strength of will and intuition

  • Ilea Brin

    • Aspen: clarity of purpose, determination and overcoming fears and doubts

    • Yew: death and ressurrection

  • Rosary Row

    • White Pine: serenity

    • Beech: tolerance, past knowledge and softening criticism

  • Torsocanno

    • Epaul

      • Pine: creativity, peace and harmony

      • Maple: offering, generosity, balance, promise and practicality

    • Epaulette

      • Oak: strength of character and courage

      • Willow: inner wisdom, an open mind with the stability and strength of age and experience.

    • Wishwater

      • Walnut: clarity and focus, gathering of energy and beginning new projects

      • Cherry: strong expression, rebirth, new awakenings and compassion

  • Sverven Korb

    • Corazon Island

      • Acacia: renewal, fortitude, purity

      • Alder: the range between male and female, courage, evolution

  • Tricreche

    • Feyblossom: luck, guidance, and the cycle of fate

    • Hawthorn: love and protection

  • East Fingerlings

    • Jade Tree: self-reflection, familial bonds, importance of historical knowledge

  • West Fingerlings

    • Sycamore: ambition

  • Fegyvyr Slopes

    • Redwood: wellness, safety


World Design and Lore by Kitty Goldsby

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