Half-Elf Bard
Furus' Special Instruments
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Furus has a knack for making instruments and accessories from monsters he has killed.
Oath Sworn On The Heart Of The Forest
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He asks them to swear on the Dumbraava, the heart of the forest, that they will not tell anyone what he says. Galia whispers to the group that local legend is taht if you break an oath on the heart of the forest, the fey will kill you in a horrible manner. Galia then swears, and Adalia follows her lead. Belladonna begins to walk out. Carindrina asks him to swear on the heart of the forest that the promise they make won't harm the people in this village. James agrees. Carindrina, Furus, Venus, and Midna all agree to swear. Galia goes to Belladonna, and begs her to help. Furus tries to help, telling her that if the fey come to kill her, it is her chance to stab their eyes out. Adalia shakes her head and says, if we don't break the oath, there isn't a problem. And the unlikliest of friends, Galia is the one who finally gets through to her, telling her that she can tell that Belladonna is an honest and noble person who would never break and oath she takes, if she doesn't feel comfortable ytaking the oath, the group will try to guide her towards decisions that will help the community. Galia explains that she made a promise not to force people to do things, so she is asking as someone who cares very much for the people of this town, if she would please help them. Belladonna agrees to come back and makes the oath.
James thanks them for taking the oath, and explains that his father had wanted him to marry the daughter of another noble family, The Tanglewoods. Her family follows Liguaquide and his family follows Shinze, which is how his family has operated for centuries, and now he knows thanks to information from Carindrina, that it is actually important for his family to be set up with that worship. However he doesn't love her, he loves someone else. He is worried that now that he knows this, he should end his relationship so that he doesn't inflict the curse on the town. His father hadn't made a decision when he died, they were going to talk about it in the morning, but in the morning he was dead.
Carindrina says she understands the need for secrecy. Adalia asks how involved Blitherby was involved. James explains that Blitherby is instrumental in organizing meetings between the families, as Tricreche is run as a council of the families and not a king, but Balvonier is the capital so Blitherby does organize many of the meetings. Adalia tells him they found a letter from Blitherby to Elaine Tanglewoos sayings "This was not in our agreement. Where did you put it?". James says he doesn't know why she would need aletter from Blitherby since her parents run the town, unless she was beginning to take over. They didn't have any agreements other than their engagement, which while it has been in motion for several years, wasn't officially announced.He asks when Blitherby mailed the letter. Adalia tells him that they knew the sword was missing. but initially he didn't tell Blitherby, he only told him just before he met the group. He has only seen Elaine a few times, but he didn't feel anything for her.
Furus asks him to clarify why it weighs so heavily on him. James said it wasn't weighing so heavily on him until his father died, and now he feels that he needs to follow through with his Father's final wishes, and now that he knows the religions and the promises are so important and tied to the curse. They also need to keep agreements with the other towns on the Roueda or the roads can be dangerous and peopel can go missing. Carindrina asks if he has made a promise to the Tanglewoods or the girl he loves. He says he has to the girl he loves. Cardrina says she understands that, but thinks he needs to honor his promise. He is unsure because if his father made the deal for him, he needs to honor it, and he knows that if he asked his love she would let him go for the safety of the town. Carindrina says she thinks honor comes from within. He asks if they will go talk to the Tanglewoods and ask them to release him from the engagement.
Rope of Entanglement
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Aura strong transmutation; CL 12th; Slot —; Price 21,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
A rope of entanglement looks just like any other hempen rope about 30 feet long. Upon command, the rope lashes forward 20 feet or upward 10 feet to entangle a victim. An entangled creature can break free with a DC 20 Strength check or a DC 20 Escape Artist check.
A rope of entanglement has AC 22, 12 hit points, hardness 10, and damage reduction 5/slashing. The rope repairs damage to itself at a rate of 1 point per 5 minutes, but if a rope of entanglement is severed (all 12 hit points lost to damage), it is destroyed.
Origami Swarm
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Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Weight —; Slot none; Price 300 gp
This stiff folded paper vaguely resembles a hand-sized pest such as a beetle, spider, or cockroach. Completing two key folds in the paper causes it to multiply into hundreds of similar-sized duplicates of itself.
These duplicates fill a 10-foot space and act as a rat swarm, except they have fire vulnerability, the construct type, and do not have the disease special ability. The paper beetles do not attack their creator, but are otherwise uncontrolled and attack anything nearby. After 5 rounds, the beetles crumple and fall inert. Once activated, an origami swarm loses all magic.
Folding Boat
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Aura moderate transmutation; CL 6th; Slot —; Price 7,200 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
A folding boat looks like a small wooden box about 12 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 6 inches deep when it is inactive. In this mode, it can be used to store items just like any other box. Yet when the proper command word is given, the box unfolds itself rapidly in the space of a single round to form a boat 10 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 2 feet in depth. A second command word causes it to unfold even further into a ship 24 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 6 feet deep. The folding boat cannot unfold if there isn’t enough open space for it to occupy once unfolded. Any objects formerly stored in the box now rest inside the boat or ship.
In its smaller form, the boat has one pair of oars, an anchor, a mast, and a lateen sail. In its larger form, the boat has a deck, single rowing seats, five sets of oars, a rudder, an anchor, a deck cabin, and a mast with a square sail. The boat can hold 4 people comfortably, while the ship carries 15 with ease.
A third word of command causes the boat or ship to fold itself into a box once again, but only when it is unoccupied.
Robe of the Resplendant Thespian
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Robe of the Resplendent Thespian – d20PFSRD
Holy Water from Lowtown
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Three vials of blessed water from the Liguaquide church. one from a week before the Vinurs' arrival, one from a few weeks into them being around, and one from the night that NIra helped with the blessing. The third bottle Nira drank and nearly lost her memories, but was spared thanks to some help from Oure, her god.
Brad's Slime Water
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Furus tried to collect some of the acidic slime under the Stoneblood manor that seemed to run through all of the dungeons and temples.
Unsure of the properties of the waters, he brought the sample to Yvaine Stormhold of the Bubbling Candle Apothecary. She agreed to look at the water for him. She told him it was a very strange mix of magic and poison, that she ran many tests. It did 1d3 acid damage initially, but if left on for more than 5 minutes, it would begin doing 1d3 necrotic damage every 10 minutes. She couldn't identify the poison, but offered to send it to a friend who specialized in poisons in Corazon Valley Island. He agreed and she warned him it may take several days to get it there, let him test it, and get answers back.
Iron Keys
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The Queen of the Wyrmwood Court gave the group a small iron key, carefully wrapped in a sheepskin. When they touched the key, they became marked and had agreed to the Faerie Bargain to find the missing children. The key was merely a device to deliver an arcane mark that allows them to activate the door at Iron Key House. Adalia, Belladonna, Venus, Carindrina, and Nira all took keys.
Brad's Slime Water
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Furus tried to collect some of the acidic slime under the Stoneblood manor that seemed to run through all of the dungeons and temples.
Unsure of the properties of the waters, he brought the sample to Yvaine Stormhold of the Bubbling Candle Apothecary. She agreed to look at the water for him. She told him it was a very strange mix of magic and poison, that she ran many tests. It did 1d3 acid damage initially, but if left on for more than 5 minutes, it would begin doing 1d3 necrotic damage every 10 minutes. She couldn't identify the poison, but offered to send it to a friend who specialized in poisons in Corazon Valley Island. He agreed and she warned him it may take several days to get it there, let him test it, and get answers back..
Stardust: This dust is harvested by aliens and eldritch space horrors from dead stars and from the wake of meteors. It is generally consumed by mixing it with water or some other beverage, and it tastes sweeter than sugar. Other than mild dependency, users have a tendency to gradually turn into eldritch horrors with long-term exposition to the drug. Addiction 1, 50%, planar.
The Flayed Mind: A drink containing some of the Mind Flayer’s mind-numbing powers. Makes the user dumb and slow, much like weed however much stronger. Any mental saving throws made while under its effect automatically fail, making this the preferred tool of enslavers everywhere. Once the effect wears off the user may make a DC20 int save to remember what happened while under the Flayed Mind’s effects. This saving throw can only be made once. Addiction 1, psionic