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Ganza Cleric of Oure

Image by Darren Nunis

Leather-bound Tome

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This book is bound in human skin. The pages contain the names of women and locks of their hair with a strange symbolic key next to the names.

Image by Darren Nunis

Nira's First Tattoo Eye of Oure

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The "eye of oure" a magical tattoo made from ink that is imbued with the essence of darkness. It allows you to cast dancing darkness 1/day for every 2 levels (as a spell-like ability, not expending a spell slot), and you can call upon your god's favor a number of times a week equal to your WIS modifier. Right hand (hand of justice: +[cleric level] holy damage to your next 1d4 attacks)

Image by Darren Nunis

Feather of a Valkyrie

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This black feather was gifted to Nira with instructions to call on the Valkyrie should she need them. Elentiya used it to create Nira's first tattoo.

Image by Darren Nunis

Oath Sworn On The Heart Of The Forest

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He asks them to swear on the Dumbraava, the heart of the forest, that they will not tell anyone what he says. Galia whispers to the group that local legend is taht if you break an oath on the heart of the forest, the fey will kill you in a horrible manner. Galia then swears, and Adalia follows her lead. Belladonna begins to walk out. Carindrina asks him to swear on the heart of the forest that the promise they make won't harm the people in this village. James agrees. Carindrina, Furus, Venus, and Midna all agree to swear. Galia goes to Belladonna, and begs her to help. Furus tries to help, telling her that if the fey come to kill her, it is her chance to stab their eyes out. Adalia shakes her head and says, if we don't break the oath, there isn't a problem. And the unlikliest of friends, Galia is the one who finally gets through to her, telling her that she can tell that Belladonna is an honest and noble person who would never break and oath she takes, if she doesn't feel comfortable ytaking the oath, the group will try to guide her towards decisions that will help the community. Galia explains that she made a promise not to force people to do things, so she is asking as someone who cares very much for the people of this town, if she would please help them. Belladonna agrees to come back and makes the oath.

James thanks them for taking the oath, and explains that his father had wanted him to marry the daughter of another noble family, The Tanglewoods. Her family follows Liguaquide and his family follows Shinze, which is how his family has operated for centuries, and now he knows thanks to information from Carindrina, that it is actually important for his family to be set up with that worship. However he doesn't love her, he loves someone else. He is worried that now that he knows this, he should end his relationship so that he doesn't inflict the curse on the town. His father hadn't made a decision when he died, they were going to talk about it in the morning, but in the morning he was dead.

Carindrina says she understands the need for secrecy. Adalia asks how involved Blitherby was involved. James explains that Blitherby is instrumental in organizing meetings between the families, as Tricreche is run as a council of the families and not a king, but Balvonier is the capital so Blitherby does organize many of the meetings. Adalia tells him they found a letter from Blitherby to Elaine Tanglewoos sayings "This was not in our agreement. Where did you put it?". James says he doesn't know why she would need aletter from Blitherby since her parents run the town, unless she was beginning to take over. They didn't have any agreements other than their engagement, which while it has been in motion for several years, wasn't officially announced.He asks when Blitherby mailed the letter. Adalia tells him that they knew the sword was missing. but initially he didn't tell Blitherby, he only told him just before he met the group. He has only seen Elaine a few times, but he didn't feel anything for her.

Furus asks him to clarify why it weighs so heavily on him. James said it wasn't weighing so heavily on him until his father died, and now he feels that he needs to follow through with his Father's final wishes, and now that he knows the religions and the promises are so important and tied to the curse. They also need to keep agreements with the other towns on the Roueda or the roads can be dangerous and peopel can go missing. Carindrina asks if he has made a promise to the Tanglewoods or the girl he loves. He says he has to the girl he loves. Cardrina says she understands that, but thinks he needs to honor his promise. He is unsure because if his father made the deal for him, he needs to honor it, and he knows that if he asked his love she would let him go for the safety of the town. Carindrina says she thinks honor comes from within. He asks if they will go talk to the Tanglewoods and ask them to release him from the engagement.

Image by Darren Nunis

Knife of the Chaos Flame

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This wicked looking blade was picked up from the altar to K'rah K'halle under Stoneblood Manor.
Roll a Knowledge (Religion) check Strength modifier to attack. 1d3 piercing damage +2 if wielded by a chaotic aligned user. Add 1d3 fire damage on a crit.

Image by Darren Nunis

Bandages of Rapid Recovery

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Aura faint conjuration; CL 1st; Slot chest; Price 200 gp; Weight 1 lb.


These linen bandages have the same color and softness as the feathers of a dove, but their antiseptic smell suggests a less natural origin. Any creature wrapped in these bandages recovers from wounds and ability damage each day as if receiving complete bed rest regardless of activity. A creature actually receiving long-term care (from the Heal skill) or complete bed rest while wearing the bandages gains a +4 bonus to its effective level or Hit Dice when determining how many hit points it recovers each day. The bandages are destroyed once removed or when the wearer recovers all hit points and ability damage, whichever comes first.

Image by Darren Nunis

Robe of the Overflowing Spirit Void

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Image by Darren Nunis

Holy Water from Lowtown

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Three vials of blessed water from the Liguaquide church. one from a week before the Vinurs' arrival, one from a few weeks into them being around, and one from the night that NIra helped with the blessing. The third bottle Nira drank and nearly lost her memories, but was spared thanks to some help from Oure, her god.

Image by Darren Nunis


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These glowing, jelly-fish like creatures are spiritual protectors of water. They are working hard to keep the water in Thornyside pure, but are struggling. After saving Nira from the Drowned Maiden, they asked Adalia to help them save their water.

Image by Darren Nunis

Stone Face

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The face in the middle begins, a dog or goat-like face, that looks like it might have earrings at one point, “I guide the steps of king and peasant of warrior, mage, and priest. i trek with them from city to hamlet and yet, i never move”.

**These and other wonderful items can be purchased through Whimsical Whatnots. I receive no money from any sales or link clicks. She was just kind enough to let me borrow her art for the campaign. **

Image by Darren Nunis

Stone Face

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The third, with his tongue sticking out, says, “Travelled inwards, to that heart where no one else roamed. Where only birds and animals found a home. where the pixies flew with an audible air, and tangles twigs and leaves within my hair. ah. I love this place, this paradise. Where everything is so beautiful, so still, and so nice. Where did he go?”

**These and other wonderful items can be purchased through Whimsical Whatnots. I receive no money from any sales or link clicks. She was just kind enough to let me borrow her art for the campaign. **

Image by Darren Nunis

Stone Face

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The first face has two chips of a blue gem for eyes, “As destructive as life, as healing as death, an institutioner of strife, just as prone to bless. it is all that is good, yet with an evil trend; as it was the beginning of things, it can also be the end”

**These and other wonderful items can be purchased through Whimsical Whatnots. I receive no money from any sales or link clicks. She was just kind enough to let me borrow her art for the campaign. **

Image by Darren Nunis

Eleanor's Winter Roses

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These are the beautiful roses Eleanor used as her talent in the competition. She was so proud of them.

Image by Darren Nunis

Sweet Shimmer's Favor

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Midna and Nira agreed to owe Sweet Shimmer a favor for her help in order to have a daytime guard for Adele and to bring the attacker to them.

Image by Darren Nunis

Last Note From Her Brother

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It wasn't Him xx

Image by Darren Nunis

Silver Pin

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There is a small silver pin about the size of a blueberry that was tucked into an inscrutable note in her room in Iron Key House. Very delicately carved into the pin are the words (in protean): call to the old ones, they are coming

Image by Darren Nunis

Mysterious Note

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The note is pretty cryptic. There are similar symbols as around your door. They look Protean, but a much much older version of the language. You can't quite make out what it means, but there is a small silver pin about the size of a blueberry tucked in the envelope.

Image by Darren Nunis

Iron Keys

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The Queen of the Wyrmwood Court gave the group a small iron key, carefully wrapped in a sheepskin. When they touched the key, they became marked and had agreed to the Faerie Bargain to find the missing children. The key was merely a device to deliver an arcane mark that allows them to activate the door at Iron Key House. Adalia, Belladonna, Venus, Carindrina, and Nira all took keys.

Image by Darren Nunis

The Sword of Glasserune

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James Glasserune mentioned the sword was missing the morning they found him drinking in the pub, mourning the death of his father. He explained that his family would turn to a vampire if they were not blessed in a ritual with the family sword within 24 hours of their death. When he went to get the sword, it was missing. He sent them to his house to investigate, and told them that the sword was supposed to be in the family crypts in Resteria Cemetary. When they went to the Mausoleum, they found a silver chest with a false bottom, when they removed the bottom, there was a deep well of concentrated holy water and a crystal sheath submerged in the water. It was determined that only those of a good alignment would be able to safely touch the water. The group found the sword through the labryinth under Stoneblood manor after finding a hidden passage from the Glasserune Mausoleum. It was behind many traps and hidden in a pit of flesh, blood, and bone overgrown with ivy. They exited through another mausoleum (one they suspected was inhabited by vampires) into the cemetery, so they ran to the Glasserune Mausoleum and returned the sword to the crystal sheath in the holy water. With a large hiss of steam as the flames hit the water, the sword sunk into the sheath, the chest closed and it all disappeared.

After a lot of questioning how to get it back and a possibly failed summoning, the sword appeared during the ritual for Baron Hanburn Glasserune and showered him with holy water before lighting on fire and stabbing him in the heart. It then vanished again.

Image by Darren Nunis

Hidden Temple Papers

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Need to recruit more members. Reach out to surrounding towns: Thornyside, Spindledown, Weatherby.

May the Light Find the Darkness​​


How best to support the order? New shipment coming soon.

May the Light Find the Darkness​​


Member recruitment: Festival activities? Please send ideas

May the Light Find the Darkness​​


Must collect more to prepare for new services.

May the Light Find the Darkness

Image by Darren Nunis

Blitherby's Burnt Paper

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A paper was found burning in Blitherby's fireplace. No words were visible, but half of a family crest was seen. Carindrina showed this note to James. He told them to pour holy water over it, and the message, "I agree something must be done" appeared.

Image by Darren Nunis

James Glasserune's Notes

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Eleanor Ford: Balvonier

Grimmur, competed in the festival for Evergreen Princess by showing her new puppy’s tricks. Puppy named Olive--she did not take the puppy with her when she left

Nick Ford: lumberjack

Emma Ford: washerwoman

Raised puppies for fun

Works at Chestnut Stables

Owned by Talia Greenbrush (also owns Red Pony Tavern)

Waylan Fredericks: groom

11 years old

Teacher: Mr. Nate Fillion


Eva mills

Orastava, competed with her winter roses for Peablossom Princess

Glenn Mills: baker

Beverly Mills: baker

Rising Dough Bakery

Loves Gardening, helps at Spruce Singer Park near the bakery

John and Maude Greenblade: town gardners

Helped make florettes for the bakery

Teacher:Miss Kaylee Frye

11 years old


S- Of course I want to see my two favorite girls. Can’t keep anything at the castle, he is suspicious. Working on a way to fix it. I’ll come soon. xxJ


History of Stoneblood Manor--talk to L.C.


World Design and Lore by Kitty Goldsby

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