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Eleanor Ford's Training Journal
Grimmur: I have been practicing really hard with Olive. I set up on the corner and I was practicing with her and some kids came up. There are so many here to compete!!
Well I practiced again. Hannah was really interested and sugested I try to get Olive to ride Muffin. We decided we would go tomorrow and work on it.
I should have known that last minute changes wouldn't work well. We tried for hours. Hannah, Onyx, and Matthias all tried to help. It didn't work and we all ended up on our buts in the dirt.
I am DETERMINED to get Muffin to let Olive ride her. They always get along so well I don't know she is acting up! Maybe it is all the extra people.
Find The Missing Children
The Children have been found, but the question remains: who took them and why?
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