Investigate The Balvonier Tunnel System
In the Abbot's yard, hidden by a tent, was a cave entrance that led to a series of tunnels. Four stone archways marked with letters atop the keystones: S, W, B, T, presumably leading to the four main towns: Spindledown, Weatherby, Balvonier, and Thornyside. Will these be simply tunnels, or will these be portals? How deep do these run? Is this where the Abbots went?
Not only those, but the tunnels recently found underneath the Red Pony Tavern are also labrynthine.
The Path, The Key, The Hidden Door
After much debate, Belladonna seeks to find a ranger portal to help expedite the return to Balvonier. WIth less than 2 days to the end of the festival, and the life of Adele Greenbrush hanging in the balance, maybe they can save her before she is taken. Upon arrival, they find clue they weren't expecting.