What Is The Corrupted Shinze Temple?
Blitherby's yellow braid had black beads, which is sacrilegious for any true follower of Shinze. This combined with the strange corrupted type of Shinze temple below the manor is strange.
What about those weird notes?
The series of temples found below Stoneblood Manor are full of strange symbols, ominous streaks of blood, and corruption. Not to mention the rift that opened when Nira dropped her blood on the crystal altar. Now that they all connect to the cemetery, how do they relate? James seemsa unaware of their existence, but could Blitherby be involved with the corrupt Shinze splinter sect under the manor?
Oh My God(s)!!!
Exploring a secret passage leads to more questions than answers. What is poisoning the water? There are several temples, but all of them seem not quite right. Two coffins contain the remains of what may be vampires, so could the Glasserune curse be real? So many clues, but do any of them fit with the current mystery? The clock ticks down.