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Sweet Shimmer's Favor

Sweet Shimmer agreed to help the group watch over Adele. She gave them a doll to track Adele through scrying, andtold them she would find someone to watch during the day, as she isn't as powerful during the day as at night.

She also agreed to bring the attacker to the group, but Midna and Nira now owe her a favor. What will she ask for? When will she cash in?

Sweet Shimmer

Sweet Shimmer is a sleep fairy who befriended Midna.

In Which Knowing Your Alignment Becomes Very Important

The Abbot House is rather aggressive about letting them inside. Things seem normal on floors one and two, but the attic is both terrifying and possibly useful. They meet another Brownie, and find many hidden secrets.

World Design and Lore by Kitty Goldsby

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