The Light. Shinze is daylight, the stars, the light of a candle. Any light is Shinze. Those who follow Shinze believe that it is their duty to light the way. There are those that take this to mean being a beacon of hope/light, those that take it to mean they must be an avenging light, and those that just want to spread mirth/lightness. They are always a good alignment, though occasionally a few lawful neutrals have joined. These worshippers typically wear a yellow braided band, either as a headband, a necklace, or an arm band. Children are taught that if they are lost and they see someone with the yellow braid, they can go to them for help, as these worshippers are commanded to offer help to anyone who asks. They also have a contingent of lawyer followers (avenging lights). Anyone facing unjust treatment (even those of other faiths) is encouraged to contact the temple and they will be provided a lawyer. The fee is always proportional to their means. It may be singing a song for the temple, or it may be several platinum, whatever they can afford.
" May the Light Illuminate the Darkness."